Articles of Peace and Amity 1722 between Charles Calvert Lord Proprietor of The Province of Maryland
and the Pocomoke & Assateague Indians

Vol. 721 folio 408
Vol. 721 folio 409
Vol. 721 folio 410
Vol. 721 folio 411
Vol. 721 folio 412

The links to the left directs you to the web site Archive of Maryland online. Each link is a separate page of the Treaty with Charles Calvert Lord Proprietor of the Province of Maryland and the Indian Nations of Pocomoke and Assateague. This record states that it is agreed that from this day forward there be an inviolable peace and amity between Calvert and the Pocomoke and Assateague Indians. Document signed by all three parties to the agreement. Note: Start near bottom of page 408

Maryland State Archive Citation
                PL 5, i. 
                MdHR SR 2312-2
Thank Maryland Archive for saving this Document.

Signed by Wasseunge als Daniel King of Pocomoke and
Knosulm als Mr. Walker King of Assateague

To read a transcript of the above document go to Archive of Maryland online and read Vol. 721 folio 408 thru 412
   Inviolable agreement meaning to never be broken, 
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